Thursday 21 July 2016

Aerial Advertising VS Traditional Advertising in Australia

Advertising refers to a kind of marketing communication that is used to sell or promote something, usually a company’s product or service.
Initially, business owners used traditional Medias such as radio, flyers, newspaper, television, catalogues and directories like Yellow Pages to deliver their ad messages. However, traditional advertising has been scrutinized for having many disadvantages as listed below:

TELEVISION is expensive and in order to be effective, you have to communicate your messages most often.
NEWSPAPERS are too much clutter and they have low quality graphics. People are quick to discard them to the recycling bin. Newspaper reach is decreasing daily and it is becoming more difficult to get to your target audience due to the diversity of the market.
RADIO advertising only engages one of the senses and this makes recognition more difficult.
YELLOW PAGES are extremely expensive.

It is because of these disadvantages that business people are now turning to modern forms of advertisement like internet and aerial advertisement. Aerial advertising in particular has grown a lot over the last decade. Many businesses have realized that they don’t just have to send the message, but to convey it effectively and efficiently. The advertisement should leave a positive impact on intended audience. They should be willing to buy the product. In Australia, aerial advertising is getting popular day by day, because of , cost effective, unique marketing trend, easy to reach local people, quick marketing strategy and available service providers.

Importance of Aerial Advertising
1. Aerial advertising is believed to be cost effective. You can comfortably reach thousands of people within a very short time. You are assured that when your airplane messages appear, people will look up and pay attention to your advertisement. That means you won’t waste money on advertisement that will not receive attention.

2.Novelty- Aerial advertising is unusual and offers a break from the norm. People pay attention to it because it is not something they see often. Novelty usually leads to memory. People are more likely to remember the aerial ads more than any other form of advertising.

3.Non intrusive- Aerial ads do not intrude on people’s privacy, personal reading or opinions. The message is simply flown over the beach or a gathering.

Types of Aerial Advertising

Aerial Billboards
This is the most visible medium of capturing the attention of a target audience. A low flying airplane dragging a large aerial banner will grab the attention of your audience like nothing else.

Letter Banners
 Whether you want to promote a special event, a community message, an announcement or a happy birthday, aerial letter banners are a perfect way to do it. Airplane letter banners will for sure get noticed while towing your aerial message across the sky.

Logo Banners
Aerial logo banners are the most ideal and economical forms of airplane advertising that you can use to put any message across.

Advertising has really changed over a couple of decades. Traditional advertising made use of traditional media like TV, magazines, newspaper and radio. Then later on came the era of Online advertising which involved the use internet and also sending bulk text messages. However, if you want a cost saving yet effective way to reach your target audience then aerial advertising beats them all. Therefore invest your money in aerial advertising and reap the results that you desire at a cost you can actually afford.