Thursday 21 July 2016

Aerial Advertising VS Traditional Advertising in Australia

Advertising refers to a kind of marketing communication that is used to sell or promote something, usually a company’s product or service.
Initially, business owners used traditional Medias such as radio, flyers, newspaper, television, catalogues and directories like Yellow Pages to deliver their ad messages. However, traditional advertising has been scrutinized for having many disadvantages as listed below:

TELEVISION is expensive and in order to be effective, you have to communicate your messages most often.
NEWSPAPERS are too much clutter and they have low quality graphics. People are quick to discard them to the recycling bin. Newspaper reach is decreasing daily and it is becoming more difficult to get to your target audience due to the diversity of the market.
RADIO advertising only engages one of the senses and this makes recognition more difficult.
YELLOW PAGES are extremely expensive.

It is because of these disadvantages that business people are now turning to modern forms of advertisement like internet and aerial advertisement. Aerial advertising in particular has grown a lot over the last decade. Many businesses have realized that they don’t just have to send the message, but to convey it effectively and efficiently. The advertisement should leave a positive impact on intended audience. They should be willing to buy the product. In Australia, aerial advertising is getting popular day by day, because of , cost effective, unique marketing trend, easy to reach local people, quick marketing strategy and available service providers.

Importance of Aerial Advertising
1. Aerial advertising is believed to be cost effective. You can comfortably reach thousands of people within a very short time. You are assured that when your airplane messages appear, people will look up and pay attention to your advertisement. That means you won’t waste money on advertisement that will not receive attention.

2.Novelty- Aerial advertising is unusual and offers a break from the norm. People pay attention to it because it is not something they see often. Novelty usually leads to memory. People are more likely to remember the aerial ads more than any other form of advertising.

3.Non intrusive- Aerial ads do not intrude on people’s privacy, personal reading or opinions. The message is simply flown over the beach or a gathering.

Types of Aerial Advertising

Aerial Billboards
This is the most visible medium of capturing the attention of a target audience. A low flying airplane dragging a large aerial banner will grab the attention of your audience like nothing else.

Letter Banners
 Whether you want to promote a special event, a community message, an announcement or a happy birthday, aerial letter banners are a perfect way to do it. Airplane letter banners will for sure get noticed while towing your aerial message across the sky.

Logo Banners
Aerial logo banners are the most ideal and economical forms of airplane advertising that you can use to put any message across.

Advertising has really changed over a couple of decades. Traditional advertising made use of traditional media like TV, magazines, newspaper and radio. Then later on came the era of Online advertising which involved the use internet and also sending bulk text messages. However, if you want a cost saving yet effective way to reach your target audience then aerial advertising beats them all. Therefore invest your money in aerial advertising and reap the results that you desire at a cost you can actually afford.

Sunday 19 June 2016

Why You Need to Choose Aerial Advertising in Australia

The advertising field is becoming more and more competitive with people’s attention spans shortening by the day making it difficult for your company to stand out in midst of noise and distractions. Aerial advertising is the only mode that will rise above the noise and attract favorable attention without the option of being turned off or assumed.  Each year 48% business owner run aerial advertisement in Australia.

The following factors have made aerial advertising effective:

Retention of results
A quality aerial advertising campaign will make your company get its message to a huge number of people in a memorable manner at the same time. The memory of aerial advertisement and product information will linger in the minds of the people over a long period of time making it the most effective form of advertising.

Uniqueness and Surreal attraction
Aerial advertising gives a much different impression than traditional advertising. The uniqueness, together with a surreal attraction, will give viewers the impression of a private air show right at their door step.
Additionally, aerial advertising messages are interesting to read. Both the advertiser and the prospective client find the entire process experience enjoyable.  

Aerial Advertising is Cost Effective
Aerial advertising performs so well in terms of cost effectiveness when compared to other choices. However, one must realize that apples to oranges comparison would give a fair shot as you compare aerial advertising to other forms.

Aerial is perhaps the only mass advertising form that can be obtained and bought every day by the general public. Personal aerial banners provide vivid messages for individuals and large corporations.
Some people would opt for radio advertising, newspapers, static or digital billboard etc since they are affordable. But how affordable are they? Generally they would cost you about CPM USD $5. On average, the local operators claiming pennies per thousand will charge you between $650 to $750 USD to design and fly a small aerial banner over a major event with an audience of forty thousand people. The banner will be visible over the event for 15 to 20 minutes. So, by using the raw event number of forty-thousand people, you've just purchased lower end aerial advertising at an average CPM of $16.25 to $18.75 USD.

Skywriting and Blimps will similarly give an average CPM's of between $4 and $20 and $7 to $18 respectively. This will depend on the location, audience size and availability. Whenever you are sourcing for aerial advertising; skywriting, banner towing or blimps, discuss with the service provider on their rates and calculate the lower end cost depending on the targeted audience and duration of visibility. So, considering the whole platform of aerial advertising mode and its benefits, CPM should average between $2 and $20 rates depending on the actual target and the intended medium. The more the number of people you reach out to, the more cost effective the medium is. 

Current proponents of aerial advertising argue that it is cost effective in reaching the isolated pockets of customers like people at the beach or stuck in traffic. The company will have the opportunity to target people in diverse geographical locations where other forms of advertising are limited. The high recall rate and high customer engagement makes it even more beneficial, particularly banner towing.

Thursday 9 June 2016

Importance of Aerial Banner Advertisements in Melbourne

Advertising is used to sell or promote something, usually the products or services of a particular company.
Aerial advertising is a kind of advertising that assimilates the use of balloons, aircraft, flogos, drones or airships to create, display or transport an advertising media. The media in this case can be static, like a logo, banner, sponsorship branding or lighted sign. It can as well be dynamic, such as skywriting, animated lighted signage or audio. 

Aerial advertising is always effective if there is a large target audience gathered near the advertising source. Banner towing, balloons and skywriting are normally strategically located. Long-range vehicles like flogos and blimps can reach a wider public along their flight route. An extended audience can further be reached by secondary distribution such as photos of aerial advertising, word of mouth and news media coverage. According to recent research on innovative advertising , Aerial advertising is the best. 55% people vote aerial advertising as efficient and quick way to focus brand. 65% Australian people said they been to look products or coffee shop when they saw banners. They also recommend their friends and family for doing  aerial banners towing as business promotions.

Difference between Aerial Banner Vs Traditional banner advertisements

It is no secret that a common consumer takes 3 or even more times to observe an ad to be able to remember a company’s product or service. 

Unlike traditional banner advertisement, aerial banners make an instant impact as it draws direct focus and immediate attention to the consumers. Usually, banners are strategically planned for the areas where other advertising means are not as common, for instance on cruises, densely packed freeways, beachfronts and events and this makes aerial advertising planes to gain a large captive audience than the traditional banner ads.
How business get more focused by aerial advertisements
The greatest advantage of using Aerial advertisement for your business is the fact that it will highlight as well as keep the focus on your promotional material because the pictures are very interesting. This way aerial advertisement provides a unique way for your business to gain the attention of its clients, which may bring about future sales for your business.

In particular, aerial photography is not only great for use on a business website, but also ideal for brochures and promotional campaigns which assist in attracting customers. Aerial photos may also act as strong additions to computer software applications, email and PowerPoint Presentations. Aerial photography services actually offer many possibilities for promoting your business throughout various platforms.
On the other hand, aerial videos also provide an amazing technique to contribute to the representation of the business as well as show excellent professionalism through the details used. 

Today, aerial advertisement offers a different way to advertise a business in a more sophisticated manner. Remember, the correct approach to advertising or marketing can either build or break your business. Do not settle for traditional media just because it’s the way things have always been done. Aerial advertising will leave a lasting impression on your potential clients and they will never forget your advert. In short, creating advertisement messages with the company logo, custom created for your business is a budget friendly and effective approach to advertising. There is no any other advertising channel that will offer same product awareness in an inexpensive manner and short time frame.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Benefit of Aerial Banner Advertising in Australia

Do you have something special to say? Something you want the entire world to know about?
Why not convey the message with Aerial Advertising using either, the Aerial Billboards or Aerial Banners!
Maybe you have a new business to advertise or a marriage proposal to make; aerial advertising is indeed a sure way of getting people’s attention.

Aerial banners are ideal for all kinds of promotions and can bring out the difference between a good ad and effective advertising campaigns. Moving in the sky in a huge billboard or giant letters billboard, your message will be “live,” dynamic, and one that demands attention.

Aerial banner vs. Traditional banner ads

It is common sense that an average consumer will take 3 or more times to view an ad so that they can remember a company’s service or product.

And with just a few people passing over the area and in a short period of time, thousands or millions of people will be able to see the advertisement a number of times, and this causes a greater advertising effect over other more ordinary forms of advertising.

The impact with aerial banners is instant because it draws direct focus as well as immediate attention.  Banners are normally strategically planned for those areas where other advertising methods are not as common, like on cruises, beachfronts, events and even densely packed freeways, and this allows aerial advertising planes to get a large captive audience.

Benefits of Aerial Banners, or Plane Banners 
 Aerial advertising by banners is one of the latest advertising trend in Australia. 60% of Australian business owner are thinking for this type of advertising . In 2004 to 2016, 15% Australian business owner depend on Aerial banner advertising for quick promotion or creative way to focus brand. 

No Waste:
Unlike giving out fliers or using letterbox drops, your aerial sign does not leave any mess. You may have passed out printed advertising just to see it collecting in rubbish bins or littering a footpath?

You are able to target an event using a plane banner, say flying over a music concert or a sports stadium. Your aerial banner can also suggest a product for a specific location for instance  cold beverages to beach goers.

According to some studies, over 70% of people will remember the message on aerial banners, where recollections of website banners or TV ads are very low.

Cut Through
Aerial banners cut through other advertising venues as aerial signs are modern and spectacle– few people will actually resist looking up to your message, especially when lying on a beach or waiting for a function to start! In this sense the advertising is viewed as a welcome distraction and not an intrusive time waster.

Not Static
Location signage is static. Your shop may have wonderful signage – lighted signs, large or even bright neon signs on the premises. However, only passing people will see that sign. On the other hand, aerial signs give you a chance to spread a message across various suburbs or a city.

Nowadays, aerial advertising is believed to be the most reliable and effective medium of advertisement for your brand, services and products in the market. During occasions like weddings and birthdays, this form of advertising adds some extra fun and charm. When an aerial banner appears overhead, people will instinctively look upwards – they will not have to change stations, or go to the kitchen to get a snack! This form of advertisement enables you reach people wherever – on the beach, at the river, at the golf course, at a shopping center and even in their back yard.