Wednesday 1 June 2016

Benefit of Aerial Banner Advertising in Australia

Do you have something special to say? Something you want the entire world to know about?
Why not convey the message with Aerial Advertising using either, the Aerial Billboards or Aerial Banners!
Maybe you have a new business to advertise or a marriage proposal to make; aerial advertising is indeed a sure way of getting people’s attention.

Aerial banners are ideal for all kinds of promotions and can bring out the difference between a good ad and effective advertising campaigns. Moving in the sky in a huge billboard or giant letters billboard, your message will be “live,” dynamic, and one that demands attention.

Aerial banner vs. Traditional banner ads

It is common sense that an average consumer will take 3 or more times to view an ad so that they can remember a company’s service or product.

And with just a few people passing over the area and in a short period of time, thousands or millions of people will be able to see the advertisement a number of times, and this causes a greater advertising effect over other more ordinary forms of advertising.

The impact with aerial banners is instant because it draws direct focus as well as immediate attention.  Banners are normally strategically planned for those areas where other advertising methods are not as common, like on cruises, beachfronts, events and even densely packed freeways, and this allows aerial advertising planes to get a large captive audience.

Benefits of Aerial Banners, or Plane Banners 
 Aerial advertising by banners is one of the latest advertising trend in Australia. 60% of Australian business owner are thinking for this type of advertising . In 2004 to 2016, 15% Australian business owner depend on Aerial banner advertising for quick promotion or creative way to focus brand. 

No Waste:
Unlike giving out fliers or using letterbox drops, your aerial sign does not leave any mess. You may have passed out printed advertising just to see it collecting in rubbish bins or littering a footpath?

You are able to target an event using a plane banner, say flying over a music concert or a sports stadium. Your aerial banner can also suggest a product for a specific location for instance  cold beverages to beach goers.

According to some studies, over 70% of people will remember the message on aerial banners, where recollections of website banners or TV ads are very low.

Cut Through
Aerial banners cut through other advertising venues as aerial signs are modern and spectacle– few people will actually resist looking up to your message, especially when lying on a beach or waiting for a function to start! In this sense the advertising is viewed as a welcome distraction and not an intrusive time waster.

Not Static
Location signage is static. Your shop may have wonderful signage – lighted signs, large or even bright neon signs on the premises. However, only passing people will see that sign. On the other hand, aerial signs give you a chance to spread a message across various suburbs or a city.

Nowadays, aerial advertising is believed to be the most reliable and effective medium of advertisement for your brand, services and products in the market. During occasions like weddings and birthdays, this form of advertising adds some extra fun and charm. When an aerial banner appears overhead, people will instinctively look upwards – they will not have to change stations, or go to the kitchen to get a snack! This form of advertisement enables you reach people wherever – on the beach, at the river, at the golf course, at a shopping center and even in their back yard.